To view all Photos and Prices CLICK HERE

Prices can be found under each Photo on the Buy It Buttons.


Questions and particulars to

Scroll down for examples


Standard White Border on Photographic Card.

Contact me for Canvas Prints quote ( Usually twice the cost of Photo card ).

For quotes on Dry mounting on foam board or for

Framing and or delivery service e-mail

Above - Magnolia representing the wall. No Watermark Copywright will appear

on any purchased Artwork.

When you order a Print or Poster.

When you click the 'Add to Cart ' Button,wait until the Pay Pal page opens and

displays the Code and Size for the Photo you are buying.

Then Press the ' Proceed to Checkout ' button.

When you order a photo from the Glamorgan Coast website you

will receive in the post a photo with the white boarder around its edges.

and the name of the beach printed underneath. You will then want to take your photo to your nearest

picture framer for Dry mounting and framing or e-mail for a quote.


It is recommended that you have your photo Dry Mounted to stop it crumpling over

time inside the picture frame with a build up of House hold moisture. All photos you

see in frames that last for years will have been Dry mounted.

We simply cannot post Glass framed Photos for you because of inevitable damage

that will be caused during transit. However, if you live within the vicinity of Ogmore by Sea,

Southerndown, Porthcawl, Bridgend Wales UK etc. you can e-mail me at the address

below to discuss charges and costs for me to get the photo Framed and Dry mounted

for you, and delivered.

The cheapest option, would be to purchase a frame from one of the Budget shops that

are on our High streets today, like Wilkies for instance. Place an order on the website

adding the actual dimensions to the photo you want made in the Customer notes when

ordering through Paypal. Or by e-mailing me your request with the Title block reading '

Re. Glamorgan Coast photo order '. When ordering custom size photos you will need to

pay for the nearest size to your dimensions but the larger size.


To view all Photos and Prices CLICK HERE

Prices can be found under each Photo on the Buy It Buttons.